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Board Meeting Minutes - September 2023

Cody Sovis | Published on 10/4/2023

NMMBA Board of Directors Meeting

Date and location: Wednesday, September 13th, 2023 Acme Twp Hall

Board present: Tim Reicha, Tim Jenema, Tom White, Kate White, Heath Day, Mike Walters, Chad Jordan, Brian Pugh and Steve Mentzer

Board absent: Kim White, Chad Schut, Michele Andrews and Brooke Ruble

Guest(s): John Roe

Mission statement —-> It is our mission to Envision, Build and Protect the mountain bike experience while respecting all forest users and uses.

August minutes were approved online.

No public comment


Kim, although absent, submitted via email the financials.

General fund balance stood at $8217.62

Grant updates:

Kate has submitted two grants to the Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation(GTRCF). 

These are still pending at this time and both are geared towards the Vasa Bike Park.

She also was still working on grant requests to the Traverse City Track Club Endowment and the Grand Traverse Band’s 2% grant funding.

Chapter Reports:


Tom outlined some of the issues he encountered in preparing for this year's Fiesta.

As part of the DNR Event Application, a “Michigan Temporary Food Establishment License Application” was required.  This was the first time that the Fiesta had to obtain this food license.  

As part of this food application, additional documentation for off site food preparation will be required.  A number of options were discussed regarding “off site food preparation” including the use of a certified commercial kitchen for next year.

Due to onsite Health Department inspections during the day of the event, certain food and serving preparations will have to be coordinated and executed differently for next year's event.

Tom also had in hand receipts for the Fiesta that totaled $1400.00+.

He planned on donating this amount. He will get with Kim to get this documented correctly.

Other discussion surrounded a way to better communicate duties and other aspects of prep work.

Iceman MOU:

Iceman Memorandum of Understanding is complete and the course is mostly done from Dockery road back to Williamsburg road.

NMMBA will receive a donation from the Festival Foundation for their work on the Iceman course.

Course markings will be changed from previous years.

For phase 2 (the Kalkaska phase) of the TCTN trail proposal a working group is being put together with local stakeholders. Interest has been very high.

Winter Trails:

Mike and Heath have agreed to Co-chair the NMMBA Winter Grooming program. John Roe steps down as committee chair. Mike and Heath will be filling big shoes in their new roles.

No real changes in the process are in store.

Paperwork and grooming reports are among the duties they will familiarize themselves with.

Also planned is an expansion to the trail system for the upcoming 23/24 season.

Also discussed was the future of the trails located at the Leelanau State Park in Northport.

A grooming survey yielded less than stellar results for the 6 mile trail system. Not a lot of respondents in that survey for that location. Which correlates to a lack of trail users.

Some discussion as to its future as well as other venues that could be utilized.

John will also reach out to Short’s brewing for sponsorship opportunities.


Brian led this discussion.

He let the board know that the DNR will remove the old restroom vault sometime after October 1st.

Brian is also working with Tim J on concrete quotes for the new restroom and changing room which he hopes will be installed this Fall.

The last permit is in the works for East Bay Township.

DNR has funding for the new kiosk and needs to be sourced by October 1st!

A trail survey has been completed and will go out ahead of the TCTN trail proposal and maintenance plan in January of 2024.

Bike Leelanau:

Chad informed the board that the pumptrack had been installed and Suttons Bay township was voting in its approval this week.

G T Commons update:

No new updates to report.

Hickory Hills:

Rock Solid has developed a comprehensive mountain bike trail plan.

Next up is to develop a harmonized hiking trail plan.

Presently, the trails intersect 29 times.


No new updates on Cadillac Pathway.

Glacial Hills:

Brooke submitted this report.

Had a small board meeting last month which produced no new major updates. Did get approval from all three land owners to maintain the 2 tracks throughout Glacial Hills for safety and trail maintenance purposes and are working on an emergency plan.


As of this writing registration stood at 165 participants.

Hoping for 200+ riders.

Heath had a list of volunteer opportunities. Parking attendants, pre-riding the course and other duties that need to be filled.

A meeting was proposed.

All sponsorship monies have been collected.

Also trophy discussions took place.

Shop Rides:

Chad S was unable to attend the meeting but did submit an update.

August 27th, Paddles and Pedals(P&P) along with NMMBA held a BBQ ride at Glacial Hills.

Approximately 75  people came out to take part in the group ride. Food was provided by The Nest and Paddles and Pedals.

Patrick from P&P did an excellent job of organizing the event.

Next up on the ride calendar was a Monday night ride with members of the McLain/ Stone Hound race team.

Was to be held on the 11th but weather forced a cancellation.

Trying again on the 18th.

Discussion as to an October ride. Some shop names were thrown out.

More to follow.


Tim R talked about merch for both TCTF and the Iceman Expo.

Tim broke down the costs for hats, beanies and L/S hoodies.

Tim then made a motion to spend up to $1800.00 for merchandise to be sold at TCTF and Iceman Expo.

A 2nd was provided by Mike and it was followed with a unanimous vote.

New business:

It was proposed to name a natural surface pump  track at Vasa Skills Park in David Hagan’s honor.

Hagan’s Hangout Pumptrack naming and memorial request was to be presented to the Grand Traverse County Parks and Rec commission at their Thursday, September 14th meeting.

If approved, pumptrack fundraising will be planned and started with a target date in Spring of 2024 for construction to begin.

Iceman Expo:

Staffing schedule forthcoming.

Annual membership meeting:

Last year it was held in October.

Discussion centered around a November date.

Tim R to get with Timber Ridge to discuss proposed dates.

If November doesn’t work out the meeting may return to its traditional January date.

Open Forum:

Heath and Mike spoke of the progress being made to the trail system at Twin Birch Golf course in Kalkaska.

Another mile has been cleared and prepped this week and that brings the total to 6 miles thus far. 

Chad J brought the board up to speed on the Palmer Woods connector to the Heritage Trail.

An inspection was planned by the Archeological society.

October meeting slated for Wednesday, October 11th.

With that the meeting was adjourned at 8:08 p.m.

Submitted by 

Steve Mentzer, secretary