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Board Meeting Minutes - May 2023

Cody Sovis | Published on 6/16/2023

NMMBA Board of Directors Meeting

Date & location: Wednesday, May 10th, 2023 Acme Twp. Hall

Board present: Kim White, Brian Pugh, Mike Walters, Heath Day, Tim Jenema, Kate White, Tom White, Chad Jordan and Steve Mentzer

Board absent: Tim Reicha II, Chad Schut and Michele Andrews 

Mission statement → It is our mission to Envision, Build and Protect the mountain bike experience while respecting all forest users and uses.

Brian opened the meeting at 6:35 p.m.

There was no public comment


Kim presented the board with the financial numbers through the end of March 2023.

She noted one large expenditure was an $18,800.00 purchase for the Herman Park project. More on that project later.

Not included were fundraising numbers generated by the event held in April at Glacial Hills.

Other dollars were the Fat Bike series monies that will go into the TCTN account.

She also wanted to note a payment to Cody Sovis for reimbursement for the Fat Bike Series raffle prize(Bike) that was awarded to Paul Olson. 

Also noted was the removal of the Bear Claw Epic name from the Cadillac account.

Chapter Reports:


Tim J. gave an update on the Acme Bike Park.

He indicated the need to start the fundraising as soon as possible.

$90,000 needs to be raised in the next two years.

Discussion followed as to what grant options were available.

Impact 100 was mentioned but the thought was that the application period ended in March.

Kate noted the window, although small, was still open. She stated that the end date was May 26th.

Tim noted that Chris Kushman of TART was leading the efforts to upgrade both the warming hut and parking lot at the Bartlett road trailhead.

Winter Trails:

There has been some discussion among committee members as to the need for a new sled.

There are some 2022 and 2024 models that have been considered.

Questions brought up were asking if this was to replace an existing sled or add to the current number.

With a connector to Bartlett being considered some felt a new sled was needed.

In regards to that connector, Mike noted that the topography will need some work. There is a fair amount of climbing. This will be addressed this summer.

Heath, Mike and John Roe to discuss this further.

Also some discussion in regards to signage was tossed about.

Bike Leelanau:

Chad indicated he had attended the Suttons Bay Township meeting to answer any question about the Memorandum of Understanding(MOU)for the new pump track at Herman Park.

That was on that meeting's agenda.

The township will vote on it at their June meeting.

Chad stated that delivery and installation of the equipment is set for July 19th. A bit later as there are parking lot upgrades being done by the township.


With Michele absent, there was no Cadillac report.

Glacial Hills:

As noted in the executive board minutes, Tim Reicha II has officially resigned his position on the Glacial Hills(GH) board.

His replacement is Bellaire resident Brooke Ruble.

Brooke will be the new GH representative and will join us at our June board meeting.

MSB recap:

Mike and others were pleased with Mud, Sweat and Beers( MSB) as a whole. Racers and spectators gave great feedback on trail conditions, venue, volunteers, etc.

Mike did indicate that the section with two way traffic was just a small issue.

Contributing to this was the wide variant of times for the Pale Ale race.

Time gaps for that race were from 57 minutes to 4 hours!

This led to discussions on wave assignments and trail tweaks that may alleviate this issue.

Business Sponsorship/member discussion:

Plans are still to display names of large donors on the archway.

Michigan DNR has agreed to the gift and acceptance of the archway.

Would like to have an event to unveil and erect the archway. More to come on that.

Discussion about a new kiosk. Dan Ellis of is working on that.


Norte’s ½ day of support will be this coming Friday, May 12th.

Plans are to work on the bike park at Timber Ridge. Hours slated are from 1 - 5 p.m.

Team/shop rides:

Chad was not in attendance for the meeting but did provide some notes.

Einstein, which has committed for the month of May has proposed a Taco Tuesday for a ride at the VST.

Einstein-Cadillac is considering the month of June or July and rides will take place at the Cadillac Pathway.

Chad is also working on filling dates in August, September and possibly October.


Site meeting is planned for Monday, May 15th at Timber Ridge.

Attending this will be Tom, Duane Archambo, Tim R, Mike, Brian and John Roe.

Discussion will center around not only site layouts; power needs, tents, etc but also course ideas relating to the start/finish and runout.

Race categories are all set and registration is now open.

Sponsor commitments are coming in. Currently $5400 already committed plus a WTB dropper post will be raffled off. This may spur some registration activity.

Next up is to book two bands and line up a couple of food trucks.


Tim R and Brian met with Julie Hay, managing partner of HKM and Associates to discuss grant funding options.

Tim has stated that she has provided a lot of good insight and he hopes to have a proposal soon. She is confident we can achieve our goals.


Brian indicated that over 40 people showed for the first work bee at the Commons.

Another work session is scheduled for the coming weeks.

It has created a great dynamic.

Open forum:

Discussion highlights included the new trail proposal being considered that would potentially add 50 miles of new trail should have a new name.

Maybe put it out to our member base for suggestions.

Also being explored is an opportunity for someone to have their name attached to the new proposed pavilion.

Budget is set at $67,000. 

Gift and acceptance was accepted by the DNR for the new restrooms.

Drawings are coming out for the new changing rooms for the VST.

They will be modeled after the ones currently at Palmer Woods.

Fall installation is targeted.

Tom indicated that verbal approval was given for an additional 3 miles for the Scorched Earth trail project.

With that the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Submitted by

Steve Mentzer, secretary