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2025 Annual Meeting

Cody Sovis | Published on 12/1/2024

Calling all NMMBA members! We need your voice, vision, and input to shape the organization’s priorities in 2025. This year’s Annual Meeting is scheduled for January 12, 2025, at Timber Ridge at 5 pm. This is a great opportunity to get more involved, learn more about becoming a volunteer or board member, and share your feedback on what’s working (and what needs work) in the woods next year. 

Why We Do This

While we love bringing everyone together each year, we don’t just like doing this; our organizational by-laws require us to host a member-only meeting every year. That’s because some of NMMBA’s earliest board members knew just how important it is to put trail-minded people together in a room to discuss our work. Not only does NMMBA balance the interests and initiatives of five regional trail networks(and kind of six if you consider our support of the High Country Pathway), plus seasonal needs like summer trail work and winter grooming, we navigate different and sometimes committing visions at individual trails as well. 

Why It Matters

Our board must acknowledge and address the needs of diverse trail user groups, from novice riders to experienced mountain bikers, the general public, landowners (namely, the Michigan DNR), and many different user groups within each segment of riders. We invest a lot of time facilitating and engaging in conversations with all of these groups, but it’s rare all of these parties are in a single place at the same time. 

That’s why we invite many area trail stakeholders to the Annual Meeting. It’s a chance for everyone with a passion for the trails and outdoors to connect over great food and in the cozy setting of Timber Ridge’s banquet hall. 

The Annual Meeting is open to all current NMMBA members; if you aren’t sure, try logging into your account on the NMMBA site and making sure you’re up-to-date. 

We’ll see you Sunday, January 12, at 5 p.m. at Timber Ridge. Tell your trail buddies!