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Please use this donation type to contribute to NMMBA's 2024 Traverse City Trails Festival as an event sponsor. Your contribution will help NMMBA to add infrastructure improvements immediately. Thank you so much for your support!
Vasa Singletrack TREE ProjectNorthern Michigan Mountain Bike Association continues to restore, expand and enhance Traverse City's beloved VST. Dubbed the TREE project (Trailhead Rejuvenation Expansion Enhancement), the three-phase initiative will provide a more functional and accessible trailhead.TREE Project Phase 1Phase 1 of the project is well underway. The VST Trailhead at Supply Road was expanded and partially paved in 2022, increasing the number of parking spaces and reorienting trail entrances and exits to enhance safety. This new design also makes the trailhead a better location for gatherings and small events. A reconfigured parking lot also played a critical role in creating space for future amenities.TREE Project Phase 2One of the primary needs voiced by trail users is a permanent restroom and changing area. This permanent building is in the works and will include further amenities, such as benches, a bike rack and a dedicated repair station.NMMBA is as dedicated to building communities as we are to building trails. The second phase of the project also included the contribution of a pavilion complete with picnic tables, a fire pit and social seating. This space will make spending time in the woods more convenient for families and groups and create a much-needed area to bring people together!TREE Project Phase 3The long-term and aspirational goal of the TREE Project is the construction of a dedicated storage facility to house trail maintenance winter grooming equipment. The barn would likely serve both NMMBA, TART and other local trail-centric organizations.
US$60,587.00 received toward our goal of US$201,500.00
Priority 1: Hagan's Hangout Memorial Pump Track ($25,000)A key member of and volunteer for NMMBA and the greater Traverse City bike community, Einstein Cycles co-owner and long time BMX advocate David Hagan, passed away recently. In his honor, NMMBA together with Einstein Cycles is launching fundraising for the proposed pump track near the warming hut. A memorial will share the space.This pump track would feature large insloped turns at each end, leading to multiple sets of taller, pumpable rollers, and some small technical options (tabletops, etc.) to take advantage of the momentum, while adding technical challenges.Priority 2: New Jump Line ($10,000)Intermediate to Advanced jump line with higher start point, 5 large features, 850 feet new construction.Priority 3: Existing XC loop revamp and new xc loop construction ($51,000)The greatest opportunity to improve the xc loops is to change the climbing section to a more central area of the property. Doing so would allow for new construction on the south side of the property along the state forest property lines, the area with the greatest elevation change on the property. This would allow efficient climbing to the high point of the site, with three downhill options available from that area: two blue, one green.Additionally, many technical features can be retrofitted to the existing cross county trail--with go-arounds for bigger features--to further add variety to the bike park; there is no need to save the tech features for the flow lines only. Inslopes will allow riders to carry more speed throughout the xc trails. The existing XC trails provide a good base to build on. As with the pump track, access to the trails is excellent, but with the benefit of more durable soils in some of the areas. When necessary, soil blends will be used to create trail features and inslopes.
US$28,170.44 received toward our goal of US$86,000.00
The almost 800 acres of land that house the 31.5 miles of Glacial Hills trail span 3 governmental jurisdictions - Antrim County, Forest Home Township and the Village of Bellaire. The three governments and land conservancy co-manage Glacial Hills through a joint recreation board named The Friends of Glacial Hills (est. June 2015) with members appointed from each agency at 2 members at-large. Friends of Glacial Hills is a not for profit joint recreation board and our meetings are open to the pubic. We manage the Pathway and a trailheads and rely 100% on the support of our users and community with donor funding and volunteer maintenance. Without the community's support Glacial Hills would not exist.
If you wish to donate generally to NMMBA, please feel free to do so. If there is an effort to which you'd like us to direct your funds, please either use an existing fund, or indicate in a memo (or follow up email) of your wishes.
Bike Leelanau is leading the initiative to develop and maintain a multi-use trail system within township owned Provemont Pond Recreational area in the heart of Lake Leelanau. Donations are now being accepted for "Coburn's Challenge" in honor and memory of our late friend, active outdoorsman, Dennis Coburn.
US$38,463.50 received toward our goal of US$45,000.00
The Morley Fund was established after our volunteer attorney, Dan Morley, passed. If you knew Dan, you knew his love of biking. We honor Dan's memory annually by awarding Volunteer of the Year awards at our annual meeting.The funds raised through this effort will assist with improvements at the Vasa Single Track Trailhead. A plaque has already been installed, graciously by Up.Bike (a division of Great Lakes Stainless).