NMMBA Board of Directors Meeting
Date and location: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 Acme Twp Hall
Attendees: Heath Day, Mike Walters, Tim Reicha, Chad Schut, Kate White, Brian Pugh, Kim White, Chad Jordan, Tim Jenema
Absent: Steve Mentzer,Tom White
Guests: Cindy Mussell
Mission statement → It is our mission to Envision, Build and Protect the mountain bike experience while respecting all forest users and uses.
Standing Agenda Items:
Annual Meeting Meeting minutes were approved by email.
Public Comments: 3 minute time limit
Financial discussion: General fund balance: $20,048.45
CCCC-Vasa Bike Park: Kate will complete and submit in March
Impact 100-Vasa Bike Park
(Membership Grant - do we have a female NMMBA (board or general) member interested in joining Impact 100?), TJ to reach out to Craig Ferguson to write this grant.
GT Band 2% Grant through GT County for Vasa Bike Park funding
Chapter Reports/requests:
TimBarn: Board adoption of proposed MOU
Reviewed MOU, suggested adding barn share split between TART and NMMBA as square footage or percentage. Tim R will contact TART to add
Motion to approve draft MOU for Timber Maintenance Facility ownership and management between TART and NMMBA pending above addition by Tim Reicha, support by Chad Jordan, approved unanimously
Platform for sharing materials - new shared drive “TART NMMBA VasaTrailblazing Tomorrow Fundraising Campaign”
Help identifying donor prospects
Determine means for receiving sensitive donor info (TART uses Salesforce, can we import/export via CE?)
Brian Pugh has sought out two quotes to install well pump at VST trailhead to add water station in the future
Brian Pugh also working on TCTF permitting plan
VST vault toilet floor is very slippery with snow. Ask the DNR to post signs and make plans to fix issues this spring.
Shop rides:
Hickory Hills:
Vasa Bike Park:
Winter trails:
Bike Leelanau
Cadillac Pathway Update:
Glacial Hills
Meeting 12/5 7pm
Jeff Carek interim ED
Still working on new chapter guide
Working with DNR to create consistent land use standards throughout the state.
Wilderness First Aid March 8 & 9 2025, $250 with CPR add in at K-college
Email jamie.e.mckinney@gmail.com
Women’s skills clinic - 6/13-15
Old Business:
2025 Officer appointments
Motion by Pugh to elect Tim Reicha as President, Mike Walters as Vice President, Kim White as Treasurer, and Steve Mentzer as Secretary for 2025. Supported by Heath Day, approval unanimously voted for
Tim Reicha, Kim White, and Steve Mentzer all indicated intention that this will be their last year serving in these positions
Joint staff position w/TART
Cindy Mussell attended to indicate interest in staff position after seeing this mentioned in previous meeting minutes
Discussed primary roles and responsibilities and intention to post the position and interview hire later this year. Likely ahead of TCTF in late September
More budgeting needed.
TART partnership agreement also needs to be written as NMMBA does not have capacity to administer payroll.
Merchandise Manager
Rachel Decker is interested to help with this volunteer role
Merchandise inventoried
Next steps to photograph merchandise and post to nmmba.net storefront, secure packaging and means for shipping, open storefront and advertise
Kate, Kim, and Tim R to help onboard Rachel in the near future
Keep an eye out for merch to be available soon!
Grayling/Gaylord trail group
2025 velcro membership straps - distribution?
New Business:
TCTF Expenses/committee
Tim R presented two expenses for approval (podium backdrop and professional photography services) and discussion of assigning TCTF committee to approve future race expenses
Motion by Tim R to appoint Tim R, Mike, Brian, and John Roe as TCTF committee, second by Kim, followed by unanimous approval
Primal jersey store